Faced with the presence of worms in animals, we have created a special kit,
But remember to prevent these infestations with the PARASITIC SEASON kit in order to prepare the body and promote immunity.
In addition to annoying symptoms, such as irritation or recurring diarrhea, massive infestation can cause significant damage. Anemia, growth retardation in puppies and kittens, and hemorrhagic diarrhea should be taken seriously because they can be fatal. Finally, most of these parasites are transmissible to humans, particularly children.
ROUNDWORMS AND HOOKWORM worms Both multiply in the small intestine and cause anemia, weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and bloating. Roundworms infect puppies and kittens, passing through the placenta or during lactation. Adults get them by ingesting contaminated stools. Strongyles and hookworms are other types of worms, but they are transmitted in the same way and can cause skin and lung damage.
WHIP worms Whipworms only affect dogs. They live directly in the walls of the colon, large intestine and cecum, causing chronic, often bloody diarrhea and severe anemia.
DIPYLIDUMS AND ECHINOCOCCIS Dipylidum, which looks like a flattened vermicelli, is easy to spot in stools because it is still moving. You can also find its eggs, which look like grains of rice. It is transmitted by fleas, in particular. As for echinococcus, although it is well tolerated by animals, it can, however, be responsible for serious pathologies in humans.
TAPEWORM The tapeworm larva is present in fleas, which transmit it to the dog or cat during the bite. This flatworm can live for many years in the animal's body, causing few visible symptoms: slight weight loss, duller fur, itching at the anus.
HEART, LUNG AND EYE WORMS Angiostrongylus vasorum is a heart parasite, whose larvae pass into the lungs. It causes hemorrhages, pulmonary and cardiac failure. Symptoms include: cough, weight loss and loss of appetite, ascites (fluid in the belly), bleeding… Thelazia callipaeda is a parasite transmitted by the fruit fly, which causes inflammation of the eye.
PROTOZOA The most common of these single-celled organisms are coccidia and giardia. Symptoms vary: some animals show no symptoms, others – especially young animals – suffer from acute hemorrhagic diarrhea, dehydration and marked weight loss. These parasites are especially dangerous in places where many dogs or cats live.
Occasionally we use Soli products which have proven themselves in farm animals.
The Holi-Parasitos kit is made up of 4 products:
SoliPar, SoliSep, SoliTox and HoliMin
Dosage : SOLIPAR am, SOLISEP noon, SOLITOX pm - 1 time per day for 10 days. It is recommended to finish the sequence with HoliMin: 1 dropper in water of drink for 10 days. Put 1 dropper of HOLIMIN in the drinking water every day.
Ingrédients et excipients
SoliTox: 12ch: Agaricus musk, Cadmium, Calcarea mur, Carbolic acid, Gunpowder. 30ch: Anthracinum, Camphora, Chininum, Crotalus, Cuprum, Ipeca, Veratrum album. 30ch+200k: Antimonium crud, Ars album, Colibacillinum, Gaertner, Nux vomica, Phosphorus. SoliPar: 12ch: Allium sat, Areca cat, Chenopodium, Filix mas, Granatum, Kamala, Kousso, Tanacetum vul, Teucrium mar; 30ch: Culex musca, Spigelia, Stannum. 30ch+200k: Calc carb, Cina, Gaertner, Ledum pal, Sabadilla, Staphysagria. 200k: Psorinum, Syphilinum. SoliSep: 12ch: Bothrops, Calendula, Ceanothus, Galium aparine, Tarantula cub. 30ch: Ailanthus, Echinacea, Mercurius cyan., Secale; 30hp + 200k: Ars. Album, Baptisia, Belladonna, Mercurius corr., Pneumococcinum, Pyrogenium, Streptococcinum. HoliMin: Avena sativa, Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea fluorica, Calcarea phos., Cicuta virosa, Ferrum phosphoricum, Fluoric acid, Gartner, Gentiana lutea, Kali phosphoricum, Lac defloratum, Magnesia phosphorica, Natrum carbonica, Natrum muriaticum, Plantago, Rubia tinctoria, Sanicula , Silica, Sulfur iodatum. Excipient: Water, alcohol.
Keep out of reach of children. Place the products in the shade, away from electrical outlets and heat sources. There is no need to refrigerate the product. Contraindications You can use homeopathic products at the same time as medications, there are no contraindications. Essential oils If you use essential oils, you should give the homeopathic product first and wait at least a few hours before applying the essential oils.
Mode d'emploi
Instructions for use Shake the bottle by hitting it in the palm of your hand before each use to energize the product. How to give the drops? To administer the drops, position yourself behind the animal and with one hand, hold the head firmly and with the other hand, put the dropper in the corner of the mouth, pinch the pipette and put the number of drops necessary. - For kittens and puppies, give a maximum of 2 to 3 drops. - Adult cats and dogs, approximately 8 drops - Larger dogs, 50 kg and more: 10 to 12 drops. - Horses: 10 ml Easy to administer It is best to put the drops directly into the mouth, but you can also put a few drops on his food or put a squirt in his drinking water. Do not put 2 different products in the drinking water. If you have to give 2 different products, wait at least 5 minutes between each dose. The more intense the symptoms, the more the frequency should be increased. Reduce the doses according to the improvement of the condition. NEVER GIVE THE PRODUCTS IN THE LONG TERM, UNLESS OTHERWISE ADVISED BY THE HOMEOPATH.