What is homeopathy?
It is a concept created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. Homeopathy is based on the principle that any substance (animal, vegetable or mineral) likely to cause particular symptoms in a healthy person can, in small doses, make these same symptoms disappear in a sick person. This is the law of similarity.
Law of similitude: any substance (animal, vegetable or mineral) likely to cause particular symptoms in a healthy person can, at low doses, make these same symptoms disappear in a sick person.
In other words, a substance in small doses has the properties of curing the symptoms that it causes in larger doses.
Principle of infinitesimality: Only a substance at a low dose (non-weightable and below the toxicity threshold) has the properties to cure the symptoms it causes at a higher dose.
Here is a concrete example of Apis mellifica (Latin name for bee venom): when stung by a bee, the following symptoms appear: hard swelling, pink-red appearance, painful heat. By similarity, if a person or an animal has symptoms of acute inflammation (synovitis, mastitis, allergic reaction, etc...) or any ailment with the same characteristics, it is indicated to use the homeopathic remedy (diluted and dynamized) Apis mellifica to relieve these symptoms.
The homeopathic remedy sends a message to the body that will activate the vital force. This will help the body to stimulate its self-healing power.