Become a member of Labo Solidago!

Why a Solidarity Coop? 

A very young cooperative created in 2020, Labo Solidago was born from a business succession, with the mission of continuing the manufacture of homeopathic formulas proven for more than 30 years, with a dynamic team, made up of 6 female members who are workers or producers (self-employed workers). 

From the outset, we were supported by the CDRQ , which works to start up and develop cooperatives in Quebec.  

Since 2022, we have entered a consolidation phase, also integrating our loyal customers as user members by offering them in return a day of free monthly transport and a preferential rate on our products.

We also want to fill our ranks with community members, integrating them as supporting members by offering them the opportunity to support our actions.  

This is where solidarity takes on its full meaning.

It is by getting involved in a common vision which aims to guarantee products and services unique products created , produced and sold by a team with a sense of service and animal welfare at heart , our company is proud to contribute to the growth of cooperation and the social economy in Quebec.  

A Solidarity Coop that unites workers, users and the community, to meet the health needs of all animals, that is our solution!

Board of Directors

In 2023, the Board of Directors of the Cooperative is composed of Hélène Pranevicia as President, Annie Boudreau as Treasurer and Claire Huard as Secretary. Zoé Mouvet-Jourde, as General Manager, also joins the Board.

To date, our cooperative brings together 60 active members and we are waiting for you to enrich it!   

Become a user member! : Download here

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To become a Supporting Member Download here

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