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Espèces visées: Cat, dog and horse

Helps maintain healthy skin function and coat.

No : NN.M3T2

Target species: Cat, dog and horse

Active ingredients:

12ch: Arsenicum iodatum, Bovista, Calendula, Croton tiglium, Condurango, Dolichos pruriens, Fagopyrum, Juglans regia, Kali arsenicosum, Kali iodatum, Petroleum, Thuja occidentalis, Viola tricolor. 30ch : Candida albicans, Dulcamara, Graphites, Nitric acidum, Penicillinum, Staphylococ., Vaccinotoxinum.

Excipient : water, alcohol

Route of administration: oral

How to use: 10 drops – once a day

Duration of use : 5 days

Precaution : Keep out of the reach of children and keep away from electricity.

Ingrédients et excipients

Arsenicum iodatum, Bovista, Calendula, Candida albicans, Croton tiglium, Condurango, Dolichos pruriens, Dulcamara, Fagopyrum, Graphites, Juglans regia, Kali arsenicosum, Kali iodatum, Nitric acidum, Penicillinum, Petroleum, Staphylococ., Thuja occidentalis, Viola tricolor, Vaccinotoxinum . ..........Excipients: water and alcohol.


Keep out of reach of children. Place the products in the shade, away from electrical outlets and heat sources. There is no need to refrigerate the product.

You can use homeopathic products at the same time as medications, there are no contraindications.

Essential oils
If you use essential oils, you should give the homeopathic product first and wait at least a few hours before applying the essential oils.

Mode d'emploi

Shake the bottle by tapping it in the palm of your hand before each use to energize the product.

How to give the drops?

To administer the drops, position yourself behind the animal and with one hand, hold the head firmly and with the With the other hand, put the dropper in the corner of the mouth, pinch the pipette and add the number of drops needed.

- For kittens and puppies, give a maximum of 2 to 3 drops.

- Adult cats and dogs, approximately 8 drops

- Larger dogs, 50 kg and more: 10 to 12 drops.

- Horses: 10 ml

Easy to administer

It is best to put the drops directly in the mouth but you can also put a few drops on your food or even put a squirt in your drinking water. Do not put 2 different products in drinking water.

If you have to give 2 different products, wait at least 5 minutes between each dose.

The more intense the symptoms, the more the frequency should be increased. Reduce the intake depending on the improvement in the condition. NEVER GIVE THE PRODUCTS LONG TERM, UNLESS OTHERWISE ADVISED BY THE HOMEOPATHIST.

As each animal is different, we offer a personalized service. It is therefore best to contact us to find out how to proceed.