What is the difference between homeopathy and naturopathy?

It often happens that people say that they know and use homeopathy.

When I ask questions to find out more, I notice that in reality, they talk to me more about naturopathy. What is the difference ? Certainly, both are considered alternative medicines but there is a huge difference between the two approaches. 

Naturopathy encompasses different treatment methods. Among others: phytotherapy (medicinal plants), aromatherapy (essential oils), food, vitamin therapy, etc. Although we have several principles in common, such as: stimulating self-healing capacity, improving diet, eliminating health problems at the source; there is a difference in composition, use and dosage. Indeed, essential oils, plants and vitamins contain a very high concentration of chemical molecules which is not the case with homeopathic products. It's a completely different way of working, to use an image, we could compare homeography to nanotechnology. 

This is why vitamins, herbal medicine and aromatherapy should be handled with care. They act as a molecule on the body. These are gentle, effective and safe approaches, if handled correctly. Also, take the time to check the ingredients that make up the vitamins; especially ask about preservatives, some are not recommended. You will find the information by typing the product names into Google.  

Essential oil and homeopathy 

You should know that you should not use essential oils and homeopathy at the same time. First, use homeo, wait a few hours before applying essential oils. Be aware that certain essential oils should be avoided for animals. 

As for vitamins or herbal medicine, there is no contraindication. However, it is recommended that you consult a naturopath or aromatherapist before administering these products. Be careful ! 

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